Authentication Changes to MySiena and Canvas

Hero Background 5

Siena Heights University now utilizes Microsoft’s Online Active Directory to authenticate logins to MySiena and Canvas. This login process is the same that has been in place for logging into and your Email using a web browser for a while now.

Microsoft AD Sign in Username/Email Prompt
Microsoft AD Sign in Password Prompt

Please note: If you happen to use multiple Microsoft accounts due to personal or work situations, sometimes your browser can cache up these accounts and cause issues about which account the system is trying to login to. To simplify things and make sure that the browser is using the proper account for authentication, we recommend that you use an inPrivate/Incognito/Private (depending on your browser’s terminology) window. This feature is normally found under the 3 dots icon in the upper right of the browser’s toolbar.

As always, if you have issues please contact the IT Help Desk at 517-264-7655.