Scanning a document from a Multi-Function Printer (MFP) to your personal SHU OneDrive storage can be accomplished through the touchscreen menu upon logging in to any campus MFP. OneDrive is your personal cloud storage at Siena Heights University. Every person with a Siena Heights account has 5 terabytes of free storage for files, images, and more while they are with the university. When scanned documents are added to OneDrive, only you can view them. Documents can easily be shared with others or moved from your OneDrive folder within the desktop app or To learn more about OneDrive, visit this Microsoft help portal on the service.
To sign in to an MFP, swipe a SHU student/employee ID card through the MFP card reader. Alternatively, sign in can be accomplished through tapping the touchscreen and entering a current username and password. Once signed in, a screen with three options will be displayed. To use the Scan to OneDrive feature, tap the Scan button, followed by the Scan to OneDrive option on the next page.
Scanning to OneDrive will require a Siena Heights University account and email address to work properly. As all students, staff, and faculty have access to OneDrive, this should not be an issue. General use cards (‘Copy’ cards, Library print cards, etc.) will not be able to use this feature.

From the Scan to OneDrive screen, prepare any documents for scanning at the printer. Certain settings, such as the file name and document properties can be modified. Review the document settings to ensure everything is set up as needed. To change the file name, tap the current name and use the on-screen keyboard to change the text.
For scanning to OneDrive for the first time, one-time account authorization will need to be completed for documents to add to your OneDrive. You can read more about authorizing your account to scan to OneDrive here.

Scan Settings
To change the document settings, tap the “Settings” button on the right-side of the screen. This will bring up all settings that can be modified. These settings include color mode, document type (PDF, Word, JPEG), 1/2 Sided Document, paper size, landscape/portrait mode, and DPI settings. The default settings offer the best compatibility and quality of document scanning, but they can be modified if needed.