Third Party Billings

Third Party Billing

Third Party Billing is when a private or governmental agency is paying for any portion of your tuition, fees, or books AND they are requesting a bill from the University.   The funds must be paid directly to Siena Heights University on the student’s behalf.  Tuition reimbursement payments made directly to the student do not exempt your account from payment up front.  A deferred payment fee will be charged to your account if you decide to make payment after you are reimbursed.  Please refer to the section labeled Tuition Reimbursement section, for additional instructions.


There are no standard contracts. Some companies may simply write a letter stating what they are willing to pay. Others will have a specialized form. Regardless of the format, all contracts and letters MUST include the following information in order to be processed:

  • Student’s name
  • Student’s ID Number
  • Specific charges the company is willing to pay
  • Specific session covered by the contract
  • Name and signature of officer authorizing the contract

Students must provide third party authorizations to Student Financial Services before the payment due date and pay any remaining balance that the authorization may not cover. Otherwise, a late payment fee of up to $300 may be assessed. Students are ultimately responsible for any default in payment by the sponsoring agency.

The authorization may be emailed to, submitted in person to Room 143 at Erickson Welcome Center, or mailed to:

Siena Heights University
Student Financial Services
1247 E. Siena Heights Dr.
Adrian, MI 49221


Sponsors are billed each session or sub-session after the add/drop period and within the terms of the authorization.


Student accounts are credited once payment is received from the sponsor. During registration periods your account may be placed on a special third-party hold (BU03).  This hold allows continued registration.  You will still be able to access the session grade reports needed to report to your third-party payer. 


Student refunds will be impacted by the amount and timing of funds received. Refunds are only processed from a credit balance.   **Please note that third party payments are considered to be a form of financial assistance and your financial aid offer may be adjusted at any time during the semester according to federal guidelines.**