
Loan Periods

Students and guests

The book collections circulate for 21 days and may be renewed for an additional 21 days by calling the Circulation Desk at (517) 264-7150.

SHU Faculty and Staff

The Library’s book collection circulates to faculty and staff for a period of a full semester. At the conclusion of the semester, book materials may be renewed for another semester by calling the Circulation Desk at (517) 264-7150. Please have your Faculty/Staff Number available.

Book Collections

Collections which circulate for 21 days are:






Media Collections which circulate for one week are:

AV Collection

DVD Collection

Collections which do not circulate and must be used in the Library are:





Permanent Reserve

Reserve Book Room

Overdue Items & Fines

Siena Heights University trusts students in the use of Library materials. Along with this trust is the expectation that materials will be returned on time.

Lost or Damaged Materials

Patrons are expected to pay for lost or damaged materials in a timely manner. A replacement fee of $20 per item is charged in addition to the actual replacement cost of the material. The Siena Heights University Library reserves the right to replace lost or damaged materials with a suitable subject replacement if the original lost or damaged material is no longer available or a better item is available. Siena Heights University faculty and staff are responsible for any charges associated with lost or damaged materials.

Collection Development Policy

Please click the link to view the SHU collection development policy. Approved Fall 2016.

Collection Development Policy


The library houses 26 PCs and 2 Macs. Users are expected to adhere to the University Technology Use Policies.

Printing Services

Copy/Print Machines– Siena faculty, staff, students and community may use the copy/print machines available in the library. Currently there is no charge for printing or copying. However, you will need to log-in using your shu login information.

There are two copiers in the library. The copy/printers are in the main floor of the library by the computers.

Book Drops

For the convenience of our patrons, book drops are located outside Library and in the east hallway of Archangelus Hall. Book drops are emptied on a daily basis. Please do not return AV materials or interlibrary loan materials via the book drops.

Holds and Recalls

Patrons may request that a hold be placed on materials which are in circulation. Please ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk. Patrons receiving recall notices are expected to return those items recalled promptly.

Interlibrary Loan

Books and materials not found in the collection of the Siena Heights University Library can usually be obtained through interlibrary loan. Interlibrary loan services are available to all registered SHU students, faculty and staff. The service is at no cost to the patrons. For more information or to place a request, please contact the Public Services/Reference Librarian by calling (517) 264-7155, by coming into the Library or e-mail. Please allow 1-3 weeks for processing. When item(s) are in you will be contacted and item(s) may be picked up at the Circulation Desk. Returned item(s) should be left at the Circulation Desk, please do not put in a drop box.

Course Reserves

The Reserve Collection is located at the Circulation Desk. The reserved materials are grouped by the professor’s last name and by course number. All items must be checked out from the Circulation Desk. When finished using, materials must be returned to the Circulation Desk. Reserve books are In Library Use only.

Each semester item(s) may be placed on reserve at the request of a course instructor to ensure that each student will have access to assigned or recommended reading(s) or item(s). The item(s) may be used in Library only.