Allocation Tools – Office of Student Engagement

Pre-Allocation Checklist

  1. Complete an Allocation Request form (submit to Student Government and the current Student Government Treasurer)
  2. Create a flyer for the event (submit to Student Government and Student Engagement)

Post-Allocation Checklist

  1. Complete a check request form (submit to Student Government and the current Student Government Treasurer)
  2. Compile all receipts
  3. Advertise/ complete event

Pre-Allocation Tools

This is the form you need to fill out in order to submit an allocation. Please submit electronically (in Excel spreadsheet) to and to the current Student Government Treasurer before 5pm on the Thursday before the Allocation Meeting. Please ask questions to Student Government Representatives if needed.

Are you paying an external vendor to be at your event? Please have them fill out this form and submit it with your check request form to the business office and to the current Student Government Treasurer.

According to our constitution, each allocation form must be submitted with an advertisement piece, such as a flyer. Canva is a great resource to create a great flyer.

Post-Allocation Tools

Please fill out this form and turn it back into the Treasurer of Student Government. They will turn the form into the business office so that you may receive the money you allocated for. Please make sure to fill out the form as a reimbursement or as a check request and to have ALL of your receipts. Checks are usually cut 10 days before an event unless otherwise specified.

Please fill out this form after your event. This will be used to track how well events are doing and if they are beneficial to do in the future.