Faculty/Staff Resources

Faculty/ Staff Contacts

We have wonderful faculty at SHU, many of whom have developed assignments and courses devoted to topics of social responsibility/social justice. Those who have questions regarding ways to appropriately address issues of social responsibility and social justice in the classroom may contact Dalila John, Director of Social Work.

When planning class projects, consider contacting the following individuals for ideas regarding implementation and collaboration:
Sr. Mary Jones  — Director of Mission Education & Ministry
Sharese Mathis — Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Kateri Sullivan —  Program Coordinator of Student Engagement


Suggested TextsLenawee Country ResourcesWebsites
Voice of Witness

Voice of Witness is a non-profit that among other things produces books that preserve the oral histories of those impacted by injustice. Explore their titles
Lenawee County Organizations and Resource List

Comprehensive list of local organizations
National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
(Teaching Tolerance)

While this website is geared toward K-12 teachers, many of the projects and resources can be incorporated into the university classroom. 
Pedagogy of the Oppressed

This text by educator Paulo Freire is a classic of critical pedagogy.
NEA — National Education Association Diversity Toolkit

This portion of the NEA website provides some helpful advice and information for teaching issues of social justice.
Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope

This text, one of many by bell hooks, provides crucial advice for teachers interested in dealing with complex issues of race, gender, and class.
Southern Poverty Law

SPL is an organization “dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society”.
Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color

This article by Kimberle Crenshaw is a classic introduction to intersectionality.
The Critical Media Project

This website provides a wealth of information on a variety of topics.
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack

This article by Peggy McIntosh is a good introduction to racial privilege, and can open up discussions on other kinds of privilege.
Civil Rights Project at UCLA

This is a WONDERFUL resource that provides a list of various social justice organizations.
Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor

This bell hooks essay originally appeared in her book Outlaw Culture: Resisting Representations.
Michigan Coalition for Human Rights

This is regional organization takes on a variety of issues. 
The Mask You Live In

This documentary “follows boys and young men as they struggle to stay true to themselves while negotiating America’s narrow definition of masculinity.” It was produced by The Representation Project.
Social Justice Start Guide

A comprehensive list of links to social justice organizations.
Net Impact

This student-based organization seeks to “use careers to drive transformational change in the workplace and the world.” Their website provides practical opportunities to get involved with social justice issues at all levels of commitment and both locally and globally.