InterLibrary Loan

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Books, articles, and other materials not found in the collection of the Siena Heights University Library can usually be obtained from another institution through interlibrary loan. Interlibrary loan services are available to all registered SHU students, faculty and staff. The service is at no cost to the patrons. For more information or to place a request, please contact the Public Services/Reference Librarian by calling (517) 264-7150, by coming into the Library, or e-mail. Please allow 1-3 weeks for processing, though electronic resources can be fulfilled much sooner. When physical items are in you will be contacted and they may be picked up at the Circulation Desk. Returned items should be left at the Circulation Desk. Electronic items will be delivered via email.


MeLCat is a resource sharing service for libraries in the state of Michigan. MeLCat is only used for physical items such as books and DVDs. Because MeLCat is made up of college libraries, public libraries and K12 libraries, it is a fantastic resource in obtaining popular and academic books and DVDs.

WorldShare ILL

WorldShare ILL is an interlibrary loan service with libraries all over the country. Various items that can be obtained through WorldShare ILL including journal articles. To use this service, click on the link below and fill out the form for the material you are requesting. A member of the library will be in touch with you regarding the status of your loan.

WorldShare ILL request form