Karin Barbee
Assoc. Professor of English
Department: English
Email: kbarbee@sienaheights.edu
Phone: 517-264-7698
Office: 308 C |
Julie Barst
Professor of English
Department: English
Email: jbarst@sienaheights.edu
Phone: 517-264-7678
Office: 307 C |
Mark Bernard
Asst. Professor of English
Department: English
Email: mbernar1@sienaheights.edu
Phone: 517-264-7685
Office: 307 A |
Callie Clare
Asst. Prof. of Communications
Department: Communications
Email: cclare@sienaheights.edu
Phone: 517-264-7633
Office: 308 A |
Wendy Crosby
Asst. Prof. of Religious Studies
Department: English
Email: wcrosby@sienaheights.edu
Phone: 517-264-7684
Office: 312 A |
Julieanna Frost
Professor of History
Department: History
Email: jfrost@sienaheights.edu
Phone: 517-264-7642
Office: 308 B |
Leland Harper
Asst. Professor of Philosophy
Department: Philosophy
Email: lharper3@sienaheights.edu
Phone: 517-264-7681
Office: 312 E |
Joseph Raab
Professor of Religious Studies
Department: Religious Studies
Email: jraab@sienaheights.edu
Phone: 517-264-7673
Office: 303 |