Siena Heights University Enrollment Management

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Strategic Enrollment Management Mission

The Division for Enrollment Management collaborates with the Siena Heights community in synthesizing research and services to support the fulfillment of the University’s mission, strategic enrollment vision and our students’ educational goals.


To build and maintain student enrollment and success levels for Siena Heights University and be recognized as one of the region’s premier Dominican universities by engaging global best practices in student enrollment and success.

EM: Enrollment Management at Siena Heights University

Strategic CAS Enrollment Management Goals
1. Average yearly full time enrollment of 1200
2. Institutional fall return rate consistently greater than
3. Freshmen retention rate greater than 75%
4. Four-year graduation rate of greater than 50% 
5. Grow the total net revenue from the academic enterprise

Strategic GPE Enrollment Management Goals 
1. Increase Graduate enrollment to >400 students
2. Increase CPS enrollment to >1600 students

enrolment management definition
Sculpture on campus

SEM Team Activities
The Strategic Enrollment Management Team (SEM) is a group of faculty and administrators who are tasked to review systemic enrollment issues to determine potential changes and strategic direction that will position Siena Heights University for strategic enrollment success. The SEM Team is currently reviewing findings and recommendations from five commissioned task forces for the following strategic enrollment issues:

1. Student Development
2. Student Success
3. Financial Management
4. Service Standards 
5. Internal Communications

Recommendations accepted by the SEM team will be presented to the University’s Executive Council of the Administration for further action.

Student Retention Team (SRT)
The Student Retention Team (SRT) is a group of Siena faculty and staff focused on the resolution of issues that may result in individual students leaving Siena. This group uses the new RMS tool to identify and address individual student issues. This group has representation from the EM, SAAS, Business and Student Life divisions and members of the CAS faculty.

Students walking on campus