Graduate Early Childhood Education


The Early Childhood Education program prepares educators who support and advance every child’s growth and well-being by strengthening candidates’ readiness to meet all children and families where they are. Course offerings and multiple clinical experiences in the Early Childhood Education program provide the candidate with comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the unique content, philosophy and pedagogy related to teaching young children in developmentally appropriate ways.
Candidates completing the early childhood program will be highly qualified to teach in any early childhood setting, including such programs as public schools, private programs, Head Start programs, Great Start Readiness Programs or other government funded programs. Graduates are highly qualified to teach in public or private child care orientated businesses, including child care settings affiliated with schools and/or churches.


  1. Natural and Inclusive environments   Create and maintain healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments that support children’s physical, social, emotional, language, cognitive, spiritual, and aesthetic development.
  2. Positive relationships while affirming diversity   Develop positive relationships and supportive interactions with and among all children and their families. Understand and affirm the diversity of children’s development, interests, ability levels, home settings, cultural backgrounds and language.
  3. Curriculum & planning   Design, implement and evaluate developmentally-appropriate curriculum that supports children’s development and learning, integrates central concepts and tools of inquiry from across disciplines and promotes comprehensive learning outcomes for all children, birth through age 8.
  4. Assessment practices   Plan and use developmentally appropriate assessment practices, in partnership with families and other professionals, to plan instruction; to support, document, and report student growth and needs; and to ensure program quality.
  5. Health and wellness   Recognize and respond in appropriate ways to signs of emotional distress, child abuse, neglect and/or illness in children. Plan and encourage a healthy and nutritious lifestyle.
  6. Supporting families as partners in education  Establish respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families and involve them in decisions regarding their children’s development and learning.  Partner and communicate effectively with parents, other professionals, and community agencies to support children’s development, learning, and well-being.
  7. Professional foundations   Articulate an understanding of the historical, philosophical, and social foundations of the early childhood profession and how these foundations influence current thought and practice. Demonstrate awareness of and commitment to the profession’s code of ethical conduct.
  8. Principles of administration    Demonstrate an understanding of basic principles of administration, organization, and operation of early childhood programs. Serve as informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies, improved quality of programs and services, and enhanced professional status and working conditions for early childhood educators.