Each internal CampusPress website is set up to record hits and basic visitor information. Sites like the Library, Financial Aid, Admissions, and more can gauge traffic through this tool….Continue Reading Viewing Site Statistics in CampusPress
Building Your Site – Pages vs Posts
Learn about posts and pages for your siena heights internal website, and which format is the best fit for you….Continue Reading Building Your Site – Pages vs Posts
About the CampusPress Internal Website Directory
CampusPress websites are intended for an internal audience, meaning content should be tailored for current students, staff, faculty, and other community members for Siena Heights University. A list of available internal sites is always kept on the main CampusPress landing page, viewable here. Students and employees can use this directory to find links to internal…Continue Reading About the CampusPress Internal Website Directory
Official Discontinuation of Weebly at Siena Heights University

All Siena Heights University Weebly websites and domains will be removed on August 1, 2021. Websites like financial aid, music, biology, IT, library, and others will be affected….Continue Reading Official Discontinuation of Weebly at Siena Heights University