Great Lakes Philosophy ConferenceThe second annual Great Lakes Philosophy Conference is being held at Siena Height’s Adrian campus in the spring of 2019! For more information, or to apply to present at the conference, please visit the conference website:
Aquinas Forum LecturesThere are typically two Aquinas Forum lectures per academic year: one in the fall, and one in the spring. Depending on availability, the talks are given by various guest speakers and professors. Past topics have included moral psychology and ethical decision-making, the value of mistrust, and moral responsibility.
Have a topic you’d like to see discussed, or a speaker you’d like us to bring to campus? Let us know! |
Get Woke: Protest and Violence in Charlottesville and Beyond Teach-In
Wednesday, August 30th, 8:00-9:00pm, Rueckert Auditorium
Interested, concerned, annoyed, angry, or confused about the protests and violence in Charlottesville? Or the controversies surrounding Confederate Monuments in general? Come discuss the issues with an interdisciplinary panel! All members of the Siena community are welcome to attend. Snacks will be served! SHU Ethics Bowl TeamThe Philosophy Department is the home of the SHU Ethics Bowl Team. In Ethics Bowl, teams of undergraduates argue and defend their moral assessment of some of the most troubling and complex ethical issues facing society today. Questions address a wide array of topics in business and professional ethics, in personal relationships, and in social and political affairs. Teams are judged on how well they a) acknowledge the complexities of each case, b) take into account the arguments and points made by the opposing team, and c) maintain a civil atmosphere that is conducive to creative ethical thinking and constructive discourse.
Want to get involved? Get in touch with us! |