
Hero Background 5

CSV 320 and CSV 495 require an academic service learning component.  Students will be required to participate in specific experiential learning which augments the traditional classroom environment. CSV 495 is considered the capstone course during which a final learning outcome assessment will occur. A practicum service component of 100 clock hours is required for this course. Students select a practicum site based on their area of interest.

The Field Practicum Coordinator is responsible for approval of all practicum sites; sites are identified by campus staff, the Coordinator and students.  The coordinator makes an initial contact with a potential site to ascertain whether it meets our qualifications. The coordinators make follow-up contacts to assure qualifications continue to be met. It is expected that the site supervisor assigned to students at the site will have a Bachelor level degree (Master level preferred); however, exceptions have been made when a supervisor has many years experience but not a bachelor’s degree. The site is generally to be a non-profit agency or program of a fairly substantial size with varied staff positions that provides human services to adults, children, youth, and families.  100 hours are required for the capstone course (CSV 495) and students complete logs with details of their assignments to be signed off by their site supervisor and submitted to their instructor. Lists of approved sites and other documents/forms can be found and downloaded under the Documents tab in the menu above.

Benton Harbor/Battle Creek
(SW Region)
Practicum Coordinator

Lansing (Central Region)
Practicum Coordinator
Tammy Root 616-257-6914

Metro Detroit (SE Region)
Practicum Coordinator

Angela Pinkett