Communications – The Major

Hero Background 5

Majors in the Communications program will be well-equipped for careers that fit their interests in fields such as marketing, business, broadcasting, journalism, media, social work, or as a part of a continuing career in the graduate-level studies in a variety of disciplines.

Communications pairs well with a variety of the other majors offered at SHU, even majors within different areas of study such as the social sciences. Interested? Feel free to send any questions to for more information.

Program Requirements for the Major:
COM 111: Introduction To Communications
COM 245: Communications Theory
COM 340: Intercultural Communications
COM 352: History of the Mass Media
COM 396: Research Methods
COM 480: Internship
COM 495: Senior Tutorial

Cognate Requirements for the Major:
ENG 211: Rhetoric
TSD 101: Fundamentals of Speech Communication
6 credit hours of World Language

Courses are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the academic year. Professors regularly offer independent/directed studies to ensure that majors are able to take the classes that they need.

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